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Kotor 2 Feat Progression

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  1. Kotor 2 Feats Mod
  2. Kotor 2 Feat Progression Mod
  3. Kotor 2 Best Feats

Update: Sorry for those that downloaded this prior to 4/2/2016. The issue with the installer was thought to have been fixed and in reality fell through the cracks to be completely forgotten.

Original Review on Filefront:

Feats - Two Weapon Fighting or Duelling, depending on how many sabers you decide to swing, Toughness 1 & 2, plus the 3rd level when you've got a spare feat lying around and can't figure out what to do with it, an active combat feat - Power Attack generally outperforms the others, do NOT take Weapon Foucs - lightsaber during your Consular. Soldier - Have fast feat progression, slow skill progression, and the highest vitality per level. They start with heavy armor and heavy weapon proficiency and the feats: power attack and power blast Scoundrel - Have slow feat progression, fast skill progression, and the lowest vitality per level.

KotOR I is indeed a great game as it allows you to customize your characters with new armor, abilities, and powers not to mention it's great storyline. You can definitely tell that this game cheats you a little bit on feats and powers though because it only will give you 1-2 of them each time you level up. I think, and obviously Shem thought, that is a little less then you should actually be getting. So anyway that is why I am happy to announce this mod that will take care of that pesky little factor.

You know Shem. he makes some of the coolest mods, in my opinion some of the best. So you all know that this one will be no different. Astm e8 e8m pdf. What this mod does is sort of unique. You have seen it done with force powers but this differs a bit. This mod actually changes the amount of feats that you get during a regular level up period. This will give you more of an advantage to actually get all of the feats in the game before you cannot level up anymore.

Well I really have to hand it to you Shem this definitely looks awesome. I personally will have a space in my override waiting for it after this review. Now to all of you itching to get you hands on this little trinket. Enjoy.

Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.

Kotor 2 feat progression


What's New in Version 08/14/2019 08:24 PMSee changelog


Choosing your Feats

For purposes of clarification it should be noted that melee weapons do not include lightsabers, whereas melee attacks do. To maximize the distribution of feats, one should know how many feats they will end up with, and plan ahead.

Active Combat Feats

These feats are special attacks that one is able to use in combat, but come with a cost. These special attacks increase in strength as they are upgraded, and can become extremely powerful. Every character including the NPC's in your party should max out one of these feat trees. Pure Soldiers can usually afford to max out more than one. The Special attacks granted by these feats are extremely powerful, and once you have enough levels it should be your main attack. While there are six different feat trees in this category, they are actually three different special attacks, one for ranged and one for melee. Which feat tree you focus on will greatly change your weapon selection and built type, so make sure you have the proper weapons available.

Kotor 2 Feats Mod

Critical Strike
Basic Info: Doubles Critical hit threat range for melee attacks at a cost of 5 AC. Stuns target if they fail a Fortitude check with a DC of Level + STR Mod. Increases to Quadruple threat range as feat is upgraded while the AC cost remains the same. Scoundrels start with this feat. This affects the threat range for both your main weapon and offhand weapon.

This is a very powerful feat with the right weapon selection. In fact with the proper build this feat can do more average damage per round than any of the other combat feats for non-scoundrels. No penalty to attack means that you will hit more often for more damage. The chance to stun is merely icing on the cake, and is great for crowd control. The main weakness of this feat is the reliance on chance. Also this is not the most effective feat for single saber wielders. Additionally this is the easiest feat to make an inefficient build from, due to the difficulty in optimizing the damage output of this feat. The force power Master Speed and a high strength is required to make the most of this feat. Click Here for more information on how to maximize the effectiveness of this feat.

Basic Info: Adds an extra attack to the main hand for melee attacks at a cost of 4 to AC and attack bonus. Cost decreases to 1 as feat is upgraded. Scouts start with this feat. Note that this does not add an attack to your offhand.

This feat has the potential to do more damage than any other feat if one is a scoundrel guardian. Also the most powerful feat if you focus on single light sabers and have mid to high strength. This is a must have for scoundrels. Any who wield Double-bladed lightsabers should use this feat unless they have low strength. Combining this feat with Master Speed and dual-wielding can grant a total of 5 attacks in a single round! The main weakness of this feat is that it does not get more powerful as you upgrade it. Also for those that use two lightsabers rather than a double-bladed lightsaber, this is actually weaker than the other two feats. Finally this feat is weak to damage reduction, as it does not increase damage directly. This feat is most effective with at least a mid level of strength and high damage weapons. Click Here for more information on how to maximize the effectiveness of this feat.

Power Attack
Basic Info: Adds 5 extra damage to each melee attack at a cost of 3 to attack bonus. Extra damage increased to 10 as feat is upgraded. Soldiers start with this feat. Note that this adds damage to all of your attacks including your offhand attack.

One of the most underrated combat feats, it is actually quite powerful in its own right. The bonus to damage is doubled when you get a critical hit. With Master Speed and an offhand attack this can add 40 damage in a single round, not to mention what happens when you get a critical hit! Characters with low strength or weapons with low damage will benefit most from this feat. Those wielding two one-handed weapons will find this quite effective and the Keen property fits very well with this feat. The main weakness of this feat is that the damage bonus is purely additive. Thus characters with high strength are less likely to find use for this feat, especially at later levels where more powerful weapons and crystal are available. Also the cost to your attack bonus is the highest of any of the combat feats. This means that enemies with high AC will be more likely to avoid being hit altogether by this feat. Click Here for more information on how to maximize the effectiveness of this feat.

Sniper Shot
Basic Info: Doubles Critical hit threat range for ranged attacks at a cost of 5 AC. Stuns target if they fail a Fortitude check with a DC of Level + INT Mod. Increases to Quadruple threat range as feat is upgraded while the AC cost remains the same. Scoundrels start with this feat. Note that this feat is bugged. If you have an offhand attack and you cast knight speed or better, you attack twice with your main hand instead. Extra attacks from Master Speed are sacrificed with this feat except for Heavy Weapons, which get one extra attack instead of the normal two.

Due to the fact that other attacks are sacrifices, this is the weakest of the ranged combat feats. While it can outperform Power Blast in certain circumstances, it will invariably fall behind Rapid Shot in those circumstances. The only thing going for it is the chance to stun, but as that is modified by intelligence, there is a good chance that enemies will make their saving throw, as intelligence is one of the harder attributes to increase. This feat is not recommended for any characters, with the possible exception of Mission. Due to her low attack bonus the other feats can hurt her chance to hit the enemy, which this feat does not do. Since she does little damage either way, using sniper shot to help disable the enemies can allow her to hit more often once they are disabled. At that point she should switch to another combat feat, such as Rapid Shot. In either case this feat need not be upgraded.

Rapid Shot
Basic Info: Adds an extra attack to the main hand for ranged attacks at a cost of 4 to AC and attack bonus. Cost decreases to 1 as feat is upgraded. Scouts start with this feat. Note that this does not add an attack to your offhand. The only ranged combat feat which works with Master Speed.

This is by far the most powerful ranged combat feat for gun-toting Jedi. Especially powerful for those that multiclass from scoundrels, using rapid shot dual-wielding can give up to 5 sneak attacks in a round! Note that unlike the other two ranged combat feats, the offhand weapon damage is applied as normal, and so it is best to use two powerful blasters. Aside from that it is also good for other members of your party. This feat works well with the more powerful heavy weapons for those that have access to the Yavin Station, making it an ideal choice for Canderous.

Power Blast
Basic Info: Adds 5 extra damage to your ranged attack at a cost of 3 to attack bonus. Extra damage increased to 10 as feat is upgraded. Soldiers start with this feat. Note that this feat is bugged in the same way as Sniper Shot. If you have an offhand attack and you cast knight speed or better, you attack twice with your main hand instead. Extra attacks from Master Speed are sacrificed with this feat.

Due to the fact that master speed does not work with this feat, it is not an ideal choice fore blaster wielding Jedi. However for characters that do not have access master speed, (Carth comes to mind) this feat does the most damage, even with powerful weapons. This primarily because the extra attack from rapid shot does not do 20 extra damage on average, and there is no way of increasing blaster damage via attributes. However as this feat has a 2 attack per round cap, when master speed is cast rapid shot easily out does this feat. This is a good choice for NPC's in your party who dual-wield blasters, but Jedi should stay clear.

Kotor 2 Feat Progression Mod

Which combat feat you ultimately decide to use is entirely up to you, as each feat can do large amounts of damage. For Ranged combat, the rapid shot is the most powerful choice for your main character, but when it comes to melee combat, each feat is useful in different circumstances. To see a more thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the different melee combat feats, click here.

Passive Combat Feats

These feats grant bonuses to your character that are always in effect. Unless otherwise noted these feats should take precedence once you finish upgrading your chosen active combat feat, as these bonuses increase as you upgrade the feats and can become lifesavers once fully upgraded. Every character including the NPC's in your party should max out either dueling or two weapon fighting.

Two Weapon Fighting
Basic Info: Decreases penalty to offhand attack bonus when dual-wielding by 4. Upgrading decreases the penalty to both hands by another 4 total. Bastila and Carth start with this feat.

For all those that want to truly dish out massive amounts of damage this is the feat to upgrade. Without this feat hitting enemies is very difficult, and makes two weapon fighting nigh impossible. While this feat does not start out useful at character creation, its usefulness greatly increases upon upgrading it once. The penalty becomes manageable, at which point one should dual-wield full-time.

Basic Info: Increases attack bonus and AC by 1 when wielding a single one handed weapon. The only exception to this is the Gammorean War Axe which also receives benefits from this feat. The bonus increases to 3 as it is upgraded. Mission starts with this feat.

This is a useful feat for all those that want AC over extra damage. Consulars will do well to take this feat, as an increased attack bonus also means that more blaster fire is deflected. This feat is a must for those that will not be dual-wielding. This feat is especially useful early on in the game when one has a low AC and attack bonus.

Jedi Defense
Basic Info: This feat allows a lightsaber-wielding Jedi to deflect incoming blaster fire by making a successful attack roll. A total bonus of 6 is applied to the attack roll as this feat is upgraded. This feat is automatically granted to all Jedi at level 1, but it must be upgraded manually.

For all defense oriented Jedi this is a very useful line of feats. Deflected blaster fire can be returned and damage the enemy, and for Consulars with their naturally low VP count, every deflected attack helps. They should invest and upgrade this feat as soon as possible. For all others this feat does not take priority, but if they have any leftover feats, they can increase this if they wish.

Basic Info: Grants one VP per level retroactively that is added upon any other bonuses. Upon upgrading adds damage reduction of 2, and upon mastery adds a second VP per level. This stacks with Wookie toughness. Canderous starts with this feat.

This is a great feat that gets more powerful as you do. Adding 1 VP per level is nice, but I find the damage reduction to be more useful. All tanks should have this upgraded to improved toughness at the very least. Zaalbar needs this feat to survive seeing that he has neither high dexterity nor the ability to wear armor. It is not necessary for Consulars, though if you have leftover feats I would take this to improved if at all possible for all of my characters.

Basic Info: Increases all saving throws by 1. Bonus increases to 3 as feat is upgraded. Juhani starts with this feat.

This feat will never become obsolete as increased saving throws are always helpful. At later stages in the game this can really help as missing a saving throw can be the difference between life and death. If you have any feats left over, and don't know what to do with them this is not a bad feat tree to invest in. Upgrading this feat is not necessary as you can immediately reap the benefits. Level 3 scouts who don't know what to do with their extra feat may do well to choose this one.

All in all these feats are more useful than most others excluding combat feats. They are universally beneficial and all characters including NPC's should spend any remaining feats in this category.

Proficiency Feats

These feats are either basic necessities, or absolutely useless. Many of the following feats will be included in starting feat packages for your starting class. It is recommended that a tree be fully upgraded or ignored entirely.

Basic Info: This feat allows the equipping of implants dictated in its description. Scouts get this line of feats for free.

If you do not have access to Yavin Station, this set of feats is not critical. It is mildly useful, but not a necessity. However if you do have access, I would strongly suggest that you upgrade this feat as soon as possible. The implants available can be very powerful, and are recommended for your main character. Others that have extra feats, such as Carth and Canderous may also want to take a few tier of this feat.

Weapon Proficiency
This set of feats is actually the first tier of a bunch of feat trees, but I have organized it thus because they are all related feats. Basic Info: This feat allows the equipping of the weapon dictated in its description. Soldiers can equip all weapons except for lightsabers. Scouts and Scoundrels get both blaster pistols and rifles, and melee weapons. All Jedi are proficient with lightsabers.

As a rule if you don't start with proficiency it is best to leave that weapon for others. The only weapon proficiency feat not granted automatically is the heavy weapon feat, and if you don't start with it, why take proficiency in it when you can do more with what you have.

Weapon Focus
This set of feats is actually the second tier of a bunch of feat trees, but I have organized it thus because they are all related feats. Basic Info: This feat adds a +1 bonus to all attack rolls made with this weapon. If you have proficiency in a weapon you can always take weapon focus with that weapon.

This is a rather useful feat. One should try to take weapon focus in whatever weapon they are going to use most often. This applies to all character who have enough feats to do so. While not the most useful feat, it is far from useless, and can help hit those enemies with high AC. This feat is especially helpful early on when one has a low attack bonus. If one is going to eventually use lightsabers, it is best to hold off taking this feat in anything else.

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Weapon Specialization
This set of feats is actually the third tier of a bunch of feat trees, but I have organized it thus because they are all related feats. Basic Info: This feat adds a +2 bonus to all damage made with this weapon. Only soldiers can take non-lightsaber weapon specialization, and only Jedi guardians can take lightsaber weapon specialization.

This is a very useful feat, and all guardians should take this feat to increase damage done by lightsabers. Soldiers that will use another weapon should take specialization if they can, though soldiers that multiclass into Jedi are not the best choice for dual blaster wielders. Soldiers that will eventually wield a lightsaber should not waste their feats on taking weapon specialization in anything else.

Armor Proficiency
Basic Info: This feat allows the equipping of armor dictated in its description. Scoundrels only start with light armor, Scouts with Medium, and Soldiers with Heavy armor.

This set of feats should for the most part be ignored. While it is useful until you get your Jedi Class, it is not worth upgrading. Much of the armor you get up until that point is light armor. There is almost nothing that a Jedi needs to equip that has an armor proficiency requirement.

The only potentially useful item, the Sith Mask requires Heavy armor Proficiency, and as such that means you'll have to blow a few feats just for a measly 1 point of regeneration every 6 seconds. The only exception I can see is in the case where a scout multiclasses to a counselor. Upgrading this feat to be able to equip the Sith Mask might not be too bad of an Idea.

In any other case however there is almost no benefit to be derived from taking missing armor proficiencies. The most useful Jedi force powers are all restricted by armor, and Jedi robes provide enough protection, especially once one increases their dexterity.

Droid Upgrade
Basic Info: This feat allows droids to equip items of the class indicated. This feat is automatically granted and upgraded to droids as they level up.

This set of feats is vital for droids, and since they get these feats automatically it is quite nice. If you do plan on using your droids at all, you will know the importance of giving them good gear, which they cannot equip without the proper feat.

Skill Feats

This set of feats increase your skills, which in general is useless. There is plenty of gear that can increase your skills without wasting a feat on it. I generally stay away from these feats. If you mistakenly spent a feat on one of these feats, it is probably best to go back and reload.

Basic Info: Gives a 1 point bonus to both Demolitions and Stealth. Increases to 3 points as it is upgraded. Mission and T3M4 start with this feat.

T3M4 and Mission might find this feat useful, but otherwise I would stay away.

Basic Info: Gives a 1 point bonus to Awareness, Persuade, and Treat Injury. Increases to 3 points as it is upgraded.

Perhaps the most useful feat in the bunch, as it increases three skills, but neither treat injury nor awareness are important, and while persuade cannot be increased with gear, it should already be high enough to get you through conversations. A mere 3 points is not enough to get you past high persuade checks if you haven't already invested points in it.

Gear Head
Basic Info: Gives a 1 point bonus to Computer Use and Repair. Increases to 3 points as it is upgraded. T3M4 starts with this skill.

T3M4 is about the only one who will find this useful. While it is true that those that start as soldiers can benefit from this feat if they wish to have access to the side quest granted by it those feats are better spent elsewhere. Even at max it only grants a +3, which is nowhere near enough to help out a soldier. This means you flush 3 feats down the drain for a skill that you will hardly ever use, this is definitely not worth it.

Kotor 2 Best Feats

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These feats are granted automatically to a specific class. Reading this section may help you decide what class you wish to start as, or what Jedi class you ultimately want to become.

Uncanny Dodge
Basic Info: This feat allows one to retain their dexterity bonus to AC even when they are surprised. It also increases saves against grenades by 2, which increases to 4 upon upgrading. Scouts get this feat at level 4, and it is upgraded at level 7.

Honestly, this is a rather useless feat. While it sounds good, there are no camouflaged opponents. Photoshop for mac with crack. Usually it is you that is attacking and surprising opponents, and as such it gets no usage in that manner. Saves against grenades are not bad, but as grenades quickly become obsolete, the usefulness of this feat is severely limited.

Scoundrel’s Luck
Basic Info: Grants a +2 bonus to AC. This increases to +6 as it is upgraded. Scoundrels start with this feat, and it is upgraded at levels 6 and 12. Fortunately it stacks with bonuses granted by Jedi Sense.

Identical to Jedi sense, but applies to Scoundrels instead.

Sneak Attack
Basic Info: Adds 1-6 damage upon delivering a successful attack against an opponent that is unable to respond. This includes surprising an enemy with stealth, succeeding in a Force Jump Attack, or stunning or paralyzing the enemy using force powers, grenades, combat feats and so forth. The enemy must be unable to respond at the beginning of the round for this damage to be applied. E.g. suppose a scoundrel does a critical strike attack, and stuns the enemy with his first attack that round. The remaining attacks in that round from his offhand will not do sneak attack damage. This damage is increased every other level for a total of 10-60 at level 19. This damage is not multiplied in the event of a successful critical hit.

This is one of the most powerful feats, and can increase damage dealt by a Jedi to incredible proportions. With this feat it is entirely possible to exceed an average damage of 300 per round! That's average damage, not maximum, which gives it the potential to be the highest damage dealing build. While it only works when the enemy is debilitated, there are many methods of doing so and that should not present a problem. This is reason alone for choosing a scoundrel as your starting class.

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Jedi Sense
Basic Info: Grants a +2 bonus to AC. This increases to +6 as it is upgraded. Jedi start with this feat, and it is upgraded at levels 6 and 12. Stacks with all AC Bonuses.

This is the feat that allows Jedi to survive, despite not wearing any form of armor. This is constantly in effect, and stacks with all other AC bonuses. This bonus remains useful the entire game for as your AC increases as you level. As enemies also become stronger, this increased AC is vital for survival.

Force Jump
Basic Info: Allows a Jedi Guardian with a lightsaber as his main weapon to immediately close any ground between himself and his enemy, as long as he has a clear line of sight, and is at least 10 meters away. To use this feat, make a standard attack on an enemy that qualifies the above conditions. Upon upgrading this feat, attack and damage gain a +4 bonus.

This is one of my favorite Jedi abilities, as it allows attacks from any distance. Scoundrels will particularly love this as this grants them an automatic sneak attack. While it is not the highest damage dealing attack in the game, it does increase your attack bonus, so if you are having trouble hitting the enemy it is worth trying this by running away first.

Force Immunity
Basic Info: Allows Jedi Sentinels to withstand mind-affecting powers. As you level up the degree of power it can withstand increases.

Another useful feat, Jedi sentinels are very difficult to debilitate. You could say that they are natural enemies of those that want to do sneak attacks. When fully upgraded, these Jedi are completely immune to all mind-affecting powers and stasis powers that are not script induced. The only things that can debilitate them besides death, is force choke and force whirlwind, which are not mind affecting powers. This makes sentinels hard to take down.

Force Focus
Basic Info: Increases the DC to resist force powers cast by the Jedi by 2. The bonus increases to +4 as it is upgraded.

A vital feat for any who do most of their damage through force powers, it makes their powers very difficult to resist. It is only available to Consulars, which makes them the undisputed masters of any and all force powers. Enemies are generally less likely to make their saving rolls by approximately 20%, and when you are casting force storm upon large groups, this makes a large difference.

Combat Logic Upgrade
Basic Info: Grants a +2 bonus to AC. This increases to +6 as it is upgraded. Droids start with this feat, and it is upgraded at levels 6 and 12.

Identical to Jedi sense, but applies to Droids instead.

Character Specific Feats

These are miscellaneous feats that you may notice on your characters. In general these are not useful or important.

Force Sensitive
Basic Info: Adds an additional 40 FP to your total.

This feat is automatically granted upon receiving your Jedi class. This allows your main character to use far more force powers than normal for a low level Jedi, which is especially useful when you first become a Jedi.

Battle Meditation
Basic Info: Bastila starts with this feat.

There is no use for this feat, though it has a major influence on the story.

Force Camouflage
Basic Info: Juhani starts with this feat, which allows her to cloak without a stealth field generator.

While it does allow her to cloak all of the other rules for cloaking still apply. As Stealth is a cross-class skill for her she will never be very proficient with it.

Wookie Toughness
Basic Info: Zaalbar starts with this feat. It is the equivalent of Master Toughness, and stacks with it in every way.

This is the only reason why Zaalbar can survive a fight without armor. Consider giving him the toughness line of feats to make his survival even more likely.

Blaster Integration
Basic Info: Allows T3M4 to use blaster pistols.

Not much to be said here, as his skill at using blasters is rather pathetic.


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